I just took my first stab at dyeing! Two big skeins of
Knitpicks Bare dyed with delicious Berry Blue Kool-Aid as per
this tutorial I found on
Knitty.com. I was pretty impressed with how easy it was and how well it came out, especially considering the fact that it's
Kool-Aid and that my yarn was superwash - i.e., not 100% wool, but a 75/25 wool/nylon blend, which the tutorial warns against. The color is kind of uneven, but that's pretty much what you can expect from hand-dyed yarn. It just sucked up all the color as soon as I threw it in; no time to swish it around and try to get the color to soak up evenly.
All in all, more fun and less messy than anticipated. The hard part now is waiting for it to dry! I plan to use it to start knitting
this as soon as possible.
I've also finished my fantabulous Rhiannon Socks
and my Katamari...

...aaand we got
MarioKart Wii at midnight last night. I honestly couldn't imagine how they were going to make Rainbow Road harder than in Double Dash - but they did.